Medical Services SEO

Medical Services SEO Project Outcomes

3,096% Traffic increase

52 Top-10 Keywords

500% Growth in Site Keywords

Medical services SEO | Case Study | Chatham Oaks

AI placement and other Search Engine Rankings

Traffic increase in 1 year

About the Project

We set up important plugins on the Wordpress website to track performance.

Connected email marketing tool and had important landing pages for services crafted to drive important traffic after SEO foundations.

A site audit, initial benchmark report, and drafted a full marketing outlook report.

We optimized all pages on the site using the keywords researched for local SEO.

Pages were indexed with Google.

Using a consistent content strategy focused on content pillars created in the initial foundations step, we created optimized content on a weekly basis.

Landing pages and onboarding processes were created to engage with visitors.

SEO for Medical Services

Get found and drive traffic to your medical business with our specialized SEO services.



