Jewelry SEO

Jewelry SEO Project Outcomes

Traffic up 200% in 3 months

Keywords up 185%

Clicks to Contact up 207%

Jewelry SEO | Jeweler SEO Results | Case Study Chatham Oaks

Clicks to Contact Growth

Traffic Increase in 3 Months

About the Project

We built out Google tools to make sure data was being captured and the business had a local presence.

We also had a custom built Wix site to make sure they had the pages they need and an e-commerce store.

Google Business Profile was populated with important information and keywords.

The website was fully optimized based on the initial wireframe. Site issues were fixed based on the site audit and content was planned for the future.

All products at the storefront were loaded onto the store and optimized with thoroughly researched keywords.

Blogs were published and consistently reoptimized. Site health was maintained on a weekly basis in Wix and Google.

SEO for Jewelry Stores

Get found and drive traffic to your jewelry store with our specialized SEO services.


AI Chatbot


Ecommerce (SQSP)