How to use Filter by Zapier

What is Filter by Zapier?

Filter by Zapier is exactly what it sounds like. If you are looking to set up a particular filter in your Zaps, or a zapier conditional trigger, so that only certain data is allowed through the automation, use this Zapier App. You can basically use any field from the Zap’s trigger as the criteria for your filter. This way you manage your data more effectively within your automation.

Setting Up a Zap with a Filter

Building the Zap Trigger

What will trigger the Zap? How will data enter the workflow before being filtered out? Here’s how to build a Zapier Zap trigger.

Adding the Filter to the Zap

Next, in order to create a filter you must add a step to the Zap in between the trigger and the action. This will be the filter step.

1. Click on the "+"

This plus sign will add another step in the workflow. You have the option to add more than the default three steps within Zaps. For this work flow, we will stick with three.

Add a new step to a Zapier Zap

2. Click on Filter

In the app screen, click the filter application. If you do not see it in this spot, do not worry. Click the search bar at the top of the window and type in "filter".

Use the Filter by Zapier App in a Zap

3. Click on Choose Field

Under the "Choose field" tab, choose the basis of your filter. What part of the email are you looking to filter by. The subject, From name, the date it was sent? Choose the field you prefer.

Selecting the field for the Filter by Zapier app

4. Click on the Condition

Conditions dictate whether or not specific data passes through the filter. The condition includes text conditions such as “contains”, “matches”, “is in”, and “doesn't match”. Additionally, there are conditions based on true/false, the date, and is/is not blank.

Selecting the condition for the Filter by Zapier app

5. Enter your Condition's Text.

Enter the text that Zapier will check the field for based on the condition. This can be names, dates, sentences, and more,

The “And” and “Or” buttons allow you to add more criteria or alternate criteria (either fits one or the other).

Selecting the condition text for the Filter by Zapier app

6. Hit Continue and Test the Filter

Zapier will tell you whether or not your data would have passed your filter based on the criteria. After running the test, if the result looks correct, hit continue.

Testing a Zap with a filter in it

Add the Zap Action

After you create the filter step, you can add your preferred action. Here is how to create a Zapier Zap action.

Now, when your Zap is triggered, only filtered date will lead to the Zap’s action. This will help you sort through data, manage incoming messages or email, or organize marketing channels. Here are five ways I have used the Filter by Zapier App in the last year:

Filter by Zapier Examples

  • Organize leads to regional sales directors:

    • Incoming lead > filter from a certain area > send a Slack notification

  • Organize bookkeeping automatically:

    • Received an invoice > filter from a certain company > send to Quickbooks with Tag

  • Tag new contacts:

    • Received new form submission > filter based on field input > Tag contact in Mailchimp or Klaviyo

  • Update CRMs:

    • New notes on CRM lead > filter by true/false AND words like “success” > Update lead information/ move lead

  • Schedule Email Meetings:

    • Email Parser by Zapier > filter by contains “meet”, AND “meeting > Schedule Google Calendar meeting

  • Zapier’s example:

    • Receive a new email > filter by the “From” name > send a SMS notification to a phone number

There are thousands of other possibilities for you to take advantage of. With the Filter by Zapier tool, you can control the data flow in your Zaps and focus your tasks on the important triggers. Using filters can save you hours of time and lots of energy.

Don’t know where to start? We can help.

Matt Stephens

Chatham Oaks was founded after seeing the disconnect between small business owners and the massive marketing companies they consistently rely on to help them with their marketing.

Seeing the dynamic from both sides through running my own businesses and working for marketing corporations to help small businesses, it was apparent most small businesses needed two things:

simple, effective marketing strategy and help from experts that actually care about who they are and what is important to their unique business.

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