LinkedIn Zapier Integration Trail Map

What is LinkedIn?

LinkedIn is a professional networking platform that allows individuals and businesses to connect, engage, and showcase their skills and expertise. It provides various features such as creating a profile, connecting with professionals, joining professional groups, sharing updates, and posting job opportunities.

How Can Small Businesses Benefit from Using LinkedIn?

Small businesses can leverage LinkedIn to establish their presence in the professional landscape and fuel their growth. LinkedIn provides a platform for networking with potential clients, partners, and industry influencers. It helps in building brand awareness, generating leads, recruiting talent, and staying updated with industry trends and news.

LinkedIn Zapier Integration

Linkedin is a Zapier Premium app. It is not available on the free plan. The integration of LinkedIn with Zapier opens up opportunities for automating various tasks and workflows, enhancing efficiency, and saving time. Here are three automation categories that small businesses can adopt and benefit from:

Email Marketing Automation

Tools commonly connected: Mailchimp, ActiveCampaign, Klaviyo, HubSpot

Automation category benefits: Automating the process of adding new LinkedIn connections to email marketing lists, nurturing leads through targeted email campaigns, and tracking campaign performance.

CRM Integration

Tools commonly connected: Salesforce, HubSpot CRM, Pipedrive

Automation category benefits: Streamlining lead management and enhancing customer relationship management by automatically adding LinkedIn connections to CRM systems, updating contact details, and tracking interactions.

Highlight Automation

Social Media Automation

Tools commonly connected: Hootsuite, Buffer, SocialBee

Automation category benefits: Automating the sharing of LinkedIn updates, articles, and job postings on other social media platforms, saving time and expanding reach across multiple channels.

LinkedIn Zapier Integration Use Cases

- LinkedIn and Mailchimp: Automatically add new LinkedIn connections to specific email lists for targeted email marketing campaigns.

- LinkedIn and Salesforce: Capture LinkedIn connections as new leads in Salesforce, enabling efficient lead management and follow-ups.

- LinkedIn and Hootsuite: Automatically share LinkedIn updates on Twitter and other social media platforms, maximizing content reach and engagement.

- LinkedIn and ActiveCampaign: Nurture LinkedIn connections through automated email sequences based on their engagement with LinkedIn content.

- LinkedIn and HubSpot CRM: Sync LinkedIn connections with HubSpot CRM, allowing comprehensive lead management and sales pipeline tracking.

- LinkedIn and Klaviyo: Automatically add new LinkedIn connections to email lists in Klaviyo for personalized email marketing campaigns.

- LinkedIn and Pipedrive: Capture LinkedIn connections as leads in Pipedrive, streamlining the sales process and providing a centralized view of customer interactions.

- LinkedIn and Buffer: Schedule LinkedIn updates to be shared on various social media platforms through Buffer, reducing manual efforts and ensuring consistent presence.

- LinkedIn and SocialBee: Automatically repost LinkedIn updates on other social media platforms using SocialBee, increasing content visibility and driving engagement.

- LinkedIn and HubSpot: Trigger automated workflows in HubSpot based on LinkedIn interaction, enabling personalized lead nurturing and behavioral tracking.


I can confidently say that businesses of all sizes can benefit from integrating LinkedIn with Zapier. However, small businesses, in particular, can leverage this automation to level the playing field, expand their network, and make efficient use of limited resources. By automating tasks such as lead capture, email marketing, and social media sharing, small businesses can save time, streamline workflows, and focus on core business activities. The set up time and cost of the LinkedIn Zapier integration is definitely worth the long-term benefits it brings in terms of increased reach, lead generation, and brand building.

That being said, on a scale from 1 to 4, this automation is rated as a 1 - not necessary for small businesses to incorporate in their automations. It provides significant advantages in terms of time-saving, lead management, and brand awareness, making it a valuable tool for small businesses looking to scale efficiently. However, if your target market isn’t on Linkedin in some capacity, your time is better spent elsewhere.

Matt Stephens

Chatham Oaks was founded after seeing the disconnect between small business owners and the massive marketing companies they consistently rely on to help them with their marketing.

Seeing the dynamic from both sides through running my own businesses and working for marketing corporations to help small businesses, it was apparent most small businesses needed two things:

simple, effective marketing strategy and help from experts that actually care about who they are and what is important to their unique business.

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